• Taste & Odor Filters: uses high quality granular activated carbon to remove chlorine and organic matter that can make water smell and taste horrible. A popular choice for rural homeowners. An optional KDF protector on the TO system controls rotten egg odor caused by sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) that can occur in carbon filters on some municipal water supplies in warm water markets (available in southern USA).

• Chloramine Filters: ideal for home and business owners on municipal water systems that want to remove taste and odor problems caused by chloramines. This two tank system uses special catalytically enhanced carbon and provides improved bed depth and contact time for more effective reduction of chloramines.

• Manganese Greensand Plus Filters: iron, manganese and sulfur are oxidized into solids and trapped in the filter bed where they get flushed to the drain.

• Multi Media Filters: removes silt and sediment to restore cloudy water to crystal clear.

• Nexsand Turbidity Filters: extremely effective at removing suspended solids, Ferric hydroxide (red water iron) or sediment from well or water systems down to 5 microns. Nexsand doubles the service flow of multi media or sand filters.

• Neutralizing Filters: raises the pH of acidic water to neutralize corrosives protecting fixtures, pipes and appliances.